AernoviR product line – Class I medical device
The AernoviR product line meets the highest standards as a Class I medical device. By combining plasma technology – which was only recently documented by the Max Planck Institute as a highly effective solution for eliminating airborne viruses – with HEPA filters and active carbon filters, AernoviR brings together the best of different worlds to form a state-of-the-art product. Different configuration variants can assembled as a modular system as needed. Depending on where it is used and the size of room it is operated in, AernoviR is available in five versions with a cleaning capacity of 115 m3 to 500 m3 per hour.
Aernovir PREMIUM

6 Months
AernoviR Premium Mietpaket
12 Months
AernoviR Premium Mietpaket
24 Months
AernoviR Premium Mietpaket
AernoviR BASIC

6 Months
AernoviR Basic Mietpaket
12 Months
AernoviR Basic Mietpaket
24 Months
AernoviR Basic Mietpaket