High-performance air purifier featuring plasma technology for clean ambient air
Clean air and health with AernoviR
The outbreak and global spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the findings relating to transmission paths have caused us to pay more attention to the topic of ambient air and keeping it clean. It was initially assumed that Covid-19 was transmitted in the same way as the common cold, through contact infections. But as the epidemic has progressed, it has become clear that the disease is mainly transmitted through airborne aerosols. And this virus continues moving through the ambient air even hours later, and high viral loads could lead to serious infections. The greater the concentration of viruses and germs in the air, the higher the viral and bacterial load on surfaces. A comprehensive approach to hygiene should therefore always include air disinfection. The innovative AernoviR high-performance air purifier could provide relief in this respect. The German-made Class I medical device developed by schwa-medico provides clean air in enclosed spaces.

The amount of plasma generated and accurate dosage of the amount of air drawn for the available plasma output, plus the speed with which the air flows through the plasma field are key factors with respect to plasma air sterilisation’s cleaning power. The following high-performance air purifier products are used depending on the area of application and room size: